Friday, November 29, 2019

When Is Revenge Justified Essay Example

When Is Revenge Justified? Paper When someone commits an act of wrongdoing, is it ever fair for the sufferer to take vengeance on them for the crime that the person has committed? The punishment depends on the situation and the form of punishment taken, but In most cases revenge is not justified, and retribution or reparation are better options. If a person commits a crime, they should obviously be punished as with any Justice system. However, revenge should be avoided as an option. Fortunately most Justice systems nowadays do not use revenge as a form of punishment anyway. Revenge is a arm of getting even with someone for the sufferers own satisfaction. This usually means taking the punishment to extremes as far as It takes to satisfy the sufferer. However, the aim of punishing a person for their crime should be to teach the person about their wrongs and prevent them from doing any again. Revenge will not teach them this. Instead it will only anger them and urge them to get even again for the punishment which they have had to withstand. This will lead to a never ending war, where both sides continue to take vengeance for the others punishment or crime. F revenge will not help to teach the person about their mistakes, then what will? We will write a custom essay sample on When Is Revenge Justified? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on When Is Revenge Justified? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on When Is Revenge Justified? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Retribution Is one option. It Is the punishing of someone with a punishment equal to the crime, similar to revenge. However, revenge as a form of punishment uses a punishment more severe than the crime committed. For example, if a burglar steals an item, then what would be the right thing to do? Revenge might include the sufferer inflicting pain on the burglar or stealing something belonging to them but this would not be ethical. The right thing to do would be to use retribution as a form f punishment. This would require the burglar to suffer in a way equal to the punishment. Nowadays, this will be decided by a court and might be a small Jail sentence depending on the severity of the robbery. Another option is reparation. It is a lot like retribution but instead of doing something negative to the person who committed the crime, It requires them to return or give something back of equal value which they might have taken. Using the example from before where a burglar steals an Item, Instead of being sent to Jail, reparation would quire them to give back something of equal value, for example pay a fine, to the person who it was stolen from. Both of these examples include Justly deserved punishments. They are forms of retribution and reparation which are punishments equal to the crime committed so that the person committing it could learn from their mistakes. It would not be right to anger him. This would also urge him to commit more crimes. As the crimes get more serious, retribution as a form of punishment becomes very similar to revenge and this is the only time when revenge is Justified. For example, if a person murders someone else then with retribution, the person should pay the same fate in jail, or in some countries, as capital punishment. The reason that this is similar to revenge is because the sufferers would be satisfied by this. In conclusion, IT a person commits a crime, teeny snouts De punishes In a way Tanat they pay or suffer a punishment of equal value to the crime committed. However, with serious crimes, which include taking a persons life, retribution becomes a lot like revenge and this is the only time at which revenge is Justified.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Mtaphysique camusienne et nietzschisme Essays - Free Essays

Mtaphysique camusienne et nietzschisme Essays - Free Essays Mtaphysique camusienne et nietzschisme Dans les peintures de Masson, le got camusien pour la mythologie grecque se conjugue volontiers l'htrodoxie nietzschenne, celle qui suggre un crateur anticonformiste, en marge de ses contemporains. En tmoigne la troisime lithographie du Mythe de Sisyphe, srie de toiles de 1962 censes illustrer l'essai du mme nom et crit par Camus : l'on y reconnat, malgr l'hermtisme pictural, le rocher dplac par Sisyphe. Seuls les contours d'une silhouette humaine permettent de deviner la figure du malheureux, comme si celui-ci, chtif, s'effaait au profit d'un fardeau irrsistible. Manifestement, Sisyphe ne peut compter que sur lui-mme, ainsi que le suggre l'arrire-plan dont les couleurs et les formes mystrieuses montrent un cosmos sinon hostile, du moins indiffrent. De faon mtonymique, toute l'humanit, en vrit, est peinte dans cette toile, en l'occurrence une humanit aux prises avec un nant qui l'accable et qui correspond au mutisme de la cration. Car non seulement le peintre donne ici voir la faiblesse humaine, mais il indique aussi sa solitude : en cela, l'artiste se montre tributaire de l'enseignement de Nietzsche, savoir la mort de Dieu. Le hros ne purge pas sa peine dans un univers parfait o chacun de ses gestes prend un sens : il volue dsesprment dans un chaos. Tant que Sisyphe ne trouve pas lui-mme une rponse ce silence, il faut imaginer sa tche absurde. Incontestablement, la pense camusienne doit beaucoup au corpus nietzschen, dans le fond comme dans la forme, puisqu'elle reprend des thmes communs dans un projet o la dmarche artistique contrarie la rigueur philosophique. En tant que philosophe-artiste, Nietzsche, n en 1844 et mort en 1900, incarne ainsi une autre voie que le rationalisme des sicles prcdents. Avec d'autres, il peroit les limites de la raison autant que celles de la foi, ce qui explique une ?uvre dont certains passages rsistent toute interprtation certaine, quand le philosophe se cache derrire l'artiste. Et concernant le monde grec, sa pense est elle aussi caractrise par un certain philhellnisme dans la mesure o lui-mme apprcie les prsocratiques, par opposition Socrate, signe pour lui de dcadence. La duplicit du philosophe et de l'artiste parat moins originale chez Camus, car plus tardive, lui qui est n en 1913 et mort en 1960. Sa pense, quant elle, ne vise pas l'hermtisme car elle se veut claire et accessible, contrairement l'aristocratisme nietzschen, mais il faut souligner le vitalisme des deux ?uvres, ce qui les oppose au pessimisme de Schopenhauer. D'un point de vue biographique, le dsir de vivre dcupl de Camus, lequel s'explique en partie par la tuberculose qui l'a menac toute son existence, rappelle une ide majeure de Nietzsche. Car pour celui-ci, toute pense ne se comprend en fin de compte que selon le vcu de celui qui la professe, mme si le projet philosophique tend l'universalit. S'il l'on met en perspective l'?uvre de chacun de ces philosophes, les convergences se rvlent aussi nombreuses que les divergences : la trajectoire de l'lve qui paie sa dette l'gard de son matre avant de prendre ses distances illustre cette logique. Avant mme d'entrer dans le fond, la comparaison entre Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra et Le Mythe de Sisyphe confirme, par le recours au mythe, une certaine htrodoxie philosophique. Le logos, selon les deux auteurs, n'puise pas toutes les modalits de la pense : le mythos, lui aussi, satisfait aux exigences de la vrit. Et sur le fond, ds sa jeunesse, Camus signale avec L'Envers et l'Endroit son attachement presque panthiste l'immanence, tandis que Nietzsche, certes de faon plus critique, s'attaque la transcendance chrtienne dans L'Antchrist. Tous deux, en effet, envisagent le christianisme de faon critique, et principalement ngative, ce qui n'exclut pas pour autant un avis trs complexe sur le sujet, chez l'un comme chez l'autre. Mais Nietzsche ne peut se rduire cette dimension critique, lui qui veut aussi affirmer la ncessit de la jouissance dans ses ?uvres de maturit comme Le Gai savoir. Une telle proccupation ne convient pas Camus, ainsi qu'en tmoigne L'Homme rvolt, essai o le disciple, entre autres, reproche au matre son aspiration la puissance. Dans la mme ide, le titre loquent de Par-del bien et mal rend compte du climat propre chaque auteur, Nietzsche entendant dpasser cette opposition morale quand Camus veut la maintenir.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Nationality, Immigration & Asylum Law Coursework

Nationality, Immigration & Asylum Law - Coursework Example When regarding policy issue, the inextricable link that controls family and welfare raises stark policy issues to welfare practitioners, legal advisors, and all people and organizations concerned with justice in the social policy. It is ultimately counter-productive for the control opponents and deportations to simply parallel home office assault on the third world families in demand of right to the family unity2. This is because family construct, whether extended or nuclear, is personally and politically problematic. The Family Immigration Rights (FAIR) is therefore the organization that campaigns for the reforms and controls. There are emphasizes on different ways used to control and divide families. The manifesto states that: a family is a fundamental and natural group unit in the society and it has the right to protection by the government or state. By this, the work of feminists is ignored by both the Non-Europeans and Europeans, showing the family unity to be neither fundamenta l nor natural. As far as the control is concerned, the lauding family is not just ideological matter3. An inevitable effect is that, it makes it extremely hard for the single persons and the same sex couples to come or stay in UK. Another effect is contradictory arguments which are used in the campaigns against controls that involve women’s relationship with men. ... At stake will be respect for individual wishes to have the ability to live anywhere and with anyone they wanted to. For the women, it means that sovereignty and freedom of choice, free of state and men as immigration controls represent. The immigration controls are mostly based on the loyalty test. The best example is in UK whereby it is a demand that whoever settled there must make a complete break with the origin of the country. These are built juridical into immigration rules. Concerning marriage in UK, it cannot be used to confer automatic citizenship5. It can only be obtained through naturalization if the applicant has permanent stay in UK. The rules on immigration on marriages is stipulated in that when a person enters UK for marriage purposes, the persons or couples are put in probation period of two years. If the couple’s marriage breaks down before the period for any reason, the spouse to the dependant is liable to be deported. This rule was affecting the immigrants f orcing them to stay in an abusive marriage with the fear of being deported if the marriage ends. The immigration control rules for the spouses and partners is globally discussed and employed. The right to family life and privacy respect is widely recognized as basic and fundamental right in human rights laws. In the UK, the rights are protected by Article 8 under Human Rights Act 19986. The main aim of the article is to protect individuals against state agents’ intrusion unless the agent has a good reason in private sphere within which some individuals anticipate being left alone to conduct their own affairs and lead there lives the way they want. The act sets out legal protection of inviolability of psychological and personal space whereby each

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Strategic Management analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Management analysis - Essay Example However, since the use of petroleum products began, the adoption of other forms of fuel process has been slow. With the coming of companies like Better Place, the use of electricity to replace oil has been taking root. This company is motivated by the fact that the rise use of Electric Vehicle is slow, despite the fact that these vehicles are environmental friendly. The company has its own mission and vision that refine its focus in the automotive industry. The company’s mission is to first reduce and later eventually eliminate the use and dependence of oil in automobile industry. This mission defines the company’s focus and what it does differently to create value. This is a global company captivated to creating the world a better place. It works with stakeholders in automobile industry to enhance the spread of EVs. 1.2. Vision The company’s vision is to integrate car companies with the other companies like the battery and utilities companies, and consumers in a way that will enhance an increase in the use of EVs. This vision shows the belief of the company that the only way consumers can adopt EVs in a massive way is by overcoming the main challenge behind the use of EVs, which is its mobility. This belief differentiates the company from other value creators who believed that the massive adoption of EVs will be possible only when the battery capacity is increased. This increase will help cars travel over a hundred miles that are currently possible. Therefore, the company believes that it can achieve the generating of EVs by re-engineering cars and not batteries. This is possible by working on the available technologies and involving the relevant profiles in the automobile industries (Rothaermel 2013). 1.3. Stakeholders The table below maps the stakeholders in Better Place Company Stakeholder Claims and Interests Class Investors Transport project that would have higher returns, receive positive image, and innovative. Key player Government Developing a sustainable transport system Key player Auto Manufacturers developing a sustainable transport system Key player Regulatory Bodies Receive information and regulate organization behavior Keep Satisfied Technical specialists Specify the required technologies to meet the company’s requirements Key player Customers Make successful transitions Key player Program manager Budgeting Keep Informed The government and auto manufacturers are in support of a sustainable transport system. Their failure to acknowledge EVs in some instances is a threat. Customers desire to be relieved from the high cost of oil opt for EVs. The company is interested in reducing pollution and consumption of oil. The project is vital in reducing the increasing economic costs that come with high dependency of oil in different industries including transport. To effectively address the concerns of stakeholders, the company needs to integrate the working of different stakeholders to share ideas (Abernat hy, J and Utterback 1975). In addition, customers need to be educated on the significance of EVs. Finally, the company will work to show admirable results in short period to attract more investors. 2. Industry Analysis and Scenarios 2.1. Industry Analysis Better place has can establish its strategy beyond the suppliers bargaining power. The company has numerous suppliers located in different countries who can give vehicle products and other services. In addition, the customers are located in different countries like Australia and United States of America. The main substitute for EVs is the oil. This product has received numerous criticisms regarding its emission on the environment. In a nutshell, suppliers are forced to embrace new initiatives that are environmental friendly (Thompson et al.

Monday, November 18, 2019

My Friends Unconditional Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My Friends Unconditional Service - Essay Example For young people today, friends are considered as one of the strongest influential characters and may have been expected to offer genuine care, love and to some extent, service. Friends are important gifts in a person’s life and frequently they serve many roles like confidant and companion. It is through my friends that I learned how to maintain peace, show honesty and respect the feelings of other people. My friends were able to let me properly reflect and assess the situations before making crucial decisions. They tried so hard to convince me by explaining and citing examples of the various consequences, if and when, I engage to undesirable situations like cutting of classes, take my studies for granted, disrespect my parents, involve in the use of prohibited substances and other sources of dilemma. Friends are usually the first to become aware of our experiences of distress. My friends express sincerity and concern, which in the same manner enabled me to be in service to others as well and how I can be more helpful. Indeed my friends keep me out of trouble and all what they have shared, to me are examples of unconditional service. Sometimes when we think about friend’s service and generosity, the size of the gifts they give, or favors they shared are the few concrete things that come across our minds.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Conventions in the UK constituion

Conventions in the UK constituion Introduction Conventions are distinctive to the UK Constitution as they include the practices, customs and behaviour of how the government and state institutions operate. They are considered non-legal rules which are unenforceable. However, there is uncertainty surrounding their definition and position in relation to laws and whether their obligatory nature makes them more than mere habits. Although the UK is a functional democracy, it is one without a written Constitution. Therefore, my aim throughout this essay is firstly to discuss the role of conventions, and how they used to regulate government bodies, for which I will provide a comprehensive account as to their existence and the way in which they are exercised. Secondly, it would be necessary to explore the adverse effect there usage may have on democracy, since there is no formalised procedure which sets out the governments intention on how it should operate, one could argue that its practice could be potentially harmful to society. Thirdl y, it would be essential to establish whether conventions should be codified into a written single document which would provide consistency and certainty into how the government makes its decisions. In order to develop an understanding of the role of conventions it would be sensible to firstly explore their precise definition. Dicey explains they consist of customs, practices, maxims, or precepts which are not enforced or recognised by courts[1]. However, it could be argued that this definition is misleading as Barber mentions courts can recognise anything they wish to recognise[2]. Moreover, as conventions are deemed non-legal rules, does not necessarily mean they are not recognised by the courts which, presents some inconsistency into Diceys theory. The case regarding the patriation of the Canadian constitution in the early 1980s illustrates the fact that courts will sometimes apply conventions even though they are not legally required to do so. It was established in Reference re Amendment of the Constitution of Canada [1982] 105 DLR [3d] 1[3] that under Canadian law any amendments to the Constitution of Canada, an Act was required from the UK Parliament[4]. However, it was by convention that the Canadian Supreme Court should give prior notice to the provinces of any amendments in order to obtain their consent. However, as this convention was recognised it was subsequently ignored and it was claimed that the Canada Act 1982[5] was invalid as the Canadian provinces did not give prior consent. Although, there was no rule of law which required provincial consent to constitutional amendments, the question here was did a convention actually exist? In Jennings three stage theory he suggested that first, what are the precedents; secondly, did the actors in the precedents believe that they were bound by a rule; and thirdly, is there a reason for the rule?[6] In order to analyse this into more detail it would be necessary to put this theory into practice by illustrating the reasons for the courts decision. It was found that five precedents where constitutional amendments had changed provincial legislative powers had directly affected federal-provincial relationsh ips[7]. The majority stated that the accumulation of these precedents, positive and negative, concurrent and without exception does not of itself suffice in establishing the existence of the convention[8], which could suggest that although conventions carry no legal weight the relevant actors were not obliged to be bound by them. In which case Jaconelli argues by focusing on the beliefs held by the relevant actors, appears to suggest an extremely flimsily basis for the existence of constitutional conventions[9]. Moreover, as the Canadian government was forced to delay plans in order to seek consent from the provinces, the agreement from the majority allowed the formation of Canadas 1983 constitution to occur. However, as Jennings three stage tests was applied in this case, the fact that the actors did not consider them binding, does not necessarily excuse the significance of conventions which in this instance supported the courts in their judicial interpretation of a convention from a mere habit. Summary Another case where the courts were unwilling to apply conventions was in Attorney-General v Jonathan Cape Ltd [1976] QB 752[10]. It was held that the publication of the Crossman diaries which included Cabinet proceedings was not in the public interest. The Attorney-General sought to prevent publication on the grounds of a breach of convention. Lord Widgery C.J in his judgement stated that there is no obligation enforceable at law to prevent the publication of cabinet papers and proceedings, except in extreme cases where national security is involved[11]. However, the Attorney-General argued that as part of the convention of collective responsibility the affairs of the Cabinet were confidential and should not be disclosed contrary to public interest. However, the defence for the publishers argued that collective responsibility is a doctrine which has grown up and has never been dignified as a convention[12], which could suggest that as conventions are considered old established practi ces which are not formalised into a set of rules, there is still uncertainty into their use. However, while a convention is deemed non-legal does not necessarily mean they do not have any legal effect, which would correspond with Jenkins statement that a convention can have legal effect despite not being a legal rule[13], which indicates that the political implications of conventions are therefore of undeniable significance. The main purpose of conventions is to prevent the constitution from becoming old-fashioned by bringing consistency and flexibility, which can be modified to suit a continuously evolving constitution. According to Jennings, conventions provide the flesh which clothes the dry bones of the law[14]. Although this may be an over enthusiastic description, it illustrates the wide recognition and appreciation of the purposes served by conventions. Lord Wintons modern view of a convention is to be the main political principles which regulate relations between the different parts of our constitution and the exercise of power but which do not have legal force[15]. However, there are conventions which hold a greater significance than statutory and common-law rules. One of the strongest conventions is that the Monarch gives Royal Assent to Bills duly passed on the advice of her ministers. Since 1708 the refusal to assent to the Scottish Militia Bill 1708[16] by Queen Anne was the last time this v eto was used. However, for the Monarch to refuse her assent to a Bill of which she disapproved, no court would deem the Bill to be an authentic Act of Parliament[17], which would potentially be harmful to society, as this would have prevented an important piece of legislation from being enacted. However, as (Munro 1999) mentions there have been no instances in modern times of legislation being presented for assent against the wishes of the government[18], however there has been on occasion that an assent to bills has either been withheld or delayed. For example on the advice of Unionist the King was undecided as to whether to grant Royal Assent to the Home Rule Act 1914[19] which would allow for the devolution of Ireland to become independent. Although, this Bill was rejected in the House of Lords, the Parliament Act 1911[20] was used to override their decision and it was on the advice of the Prime Minister that the King gave Royal Assent. However, due to the First World War, this A ct never came into being and it was not until the Government of Ireland Act 1920[21] that enabled the patriation of Ireland, which established an Irish Free State. Moreover, the expansion of the convention requiring royal assent helps show that conventions can occasionally carry legal as well as political weight. There has been on occasion where the courts have been unable to accept conventions as a means of redress. The issue arising in Manuel v Attorney General [1983] Ch.77[22] involved the possible crystallisation of a convention into law. It was suggested that the convention of the UK Parliament should not legislate for Canada except with its permission, might have evolved into a law through long term recognition. Slade LJ stated that this case raises issues which are no doubt of great political importance to all peoples of Canada[23]. However, it was concluded that conventions do not possess the power to evolve from political practices to actual laws. This does not necessarily mean that conventions serve no legal purpose and indeed there are some rare occasions where the legal power of conventions is as great as the legal power of laws. However, the breach of a conventional rule can result in a change in law which demonstrates that conventions do exert a certain degree of power in legal fields as well as in areas of a purely political nature. The convention that the House of Lords should not obstruct the policy of an elected government when a majority in the House of Commons exists was thought to have been breached in 1909[24], with a refusal from the House of Lords to accept budget proposals formulated by the Liberal government. The House of Lords was subsequently denied the power to prevent enactment of a measure accepted as a money bill, which was a result of the Parliament Act 1911[25]. However, had this Act not been passed would have resulted in a variety of a political problems which could in fact produce an unstable government which the general public relies on, which fits nicely with Lord Wilsons argument that for the breach of a convention is liable to bring political trouble in one form or another[26]. The refore the fact that Parliament was able to step in and prevent any further episodes of a breach reoccurring not only exemplifies their existence but the behaviour in which conventions are exercised demonstrates the need for them to be followed and obeyed. Although it is rare for courts to apply conventions, they often use conventions as a tool for interpretation. As Jenkins mentions courts were perfectly capable of recognising and applying conventions to provide aid for and background to constitutional or statutory construction[27]. In a privy council appeal case regarding the accession of Canada to independence, the convention of equity status referred in the preamble of the Statute of Westminster Act 1931[28], which was the main grounds for interpreting an otherwise ambiguous section of the Canadian constitution in such a way as to empower Federal Parliament to reject appeals to the privy council from all Canadian courts in civil cases. Similarly when courts have objected to review the grounds on which executive discretionary powers have been exercised, they have relied upon the convention that a minister is responsible to Parliament for the exercise of power. Although it is not necessary for courts to enforce conventions, it is cle ar that these non-legal rules impose a significant weight of obligation. Moreover, as Dr H. V. Evatt argues the practice of enacting conventions gives authoritative decisions about their meaning and application[29], which would suggest that people would be more inclined to obey legal rules rather than non-legal rules. Furthermore, what distinguishes these non legal rules from mere habits is Lord Wilsons statement that conventions which are broken, legal problems would eventually arise. On occasion conventions have been formalised into a written document to provide consistency and certainty. Individual responsibility stipulates that a minister is accountable to Parliament for their own acts and the acts of civil servants in their department, which suggests that ministers are accountable for the misconduct of their subordinates even though he/she had no knowledge of the activity. This would support (Marshall and Moodie 1967) argument that ministers are responsible morally for culpable actions in the same way as everybody else[30]. However, as there is no definitive meaning between the terms accountability and responsibility. This poses some inconsistency into the use of conventions. Therefore, it has been recognised that the principles of ministerial responsibility should be incorporated into the Ministerial Code 2007[31] in order to provide precision and consistency in it us. Conclusion While there may be some uncertainty as to the definition of conventions, collective ministerial responsibility requires that all ministers are united in supporting any policy proposals or legislative measures in the House of Commons. (Marshall and Moodie 1967) defines this as certain rules of constitutional behaviour which are considered binding and upon those who operate the constitution[32]. However, where the government is unable to gain the support of Parliament a formal vote of no confidence is necessary to require the resignation of a UK Parliament. Although Marshall and Moodies statement is wholly acceptable, it illustrates the importance and binding influence of conventions which are highly regarded by the political bodies. However, a convention which exists is that ministers must not knowingly mislead Parliament in serious cases they are required to offer their resignation. In a newspaper article Clare Short ex-International Department Secretary claimed that Tony Blair had m isled Parliament surrounding the legality of the 2003 invasion on Iraq[33]. According to (Tomkins 2003) lying to Parliament is not a legal wrong, but it is a constitutional wrong[34]. Although her resignation was required, there is no statutory rule which exists to regulate the behaviour of a Prime Minister when a general election is known. However, it is a convention that the Prime Minister should resign when he has lost the election, which immediately presents some inconsistency into how the government makes its decision. Although the office of the Prime Minister is created by convention it could be argued that the scope of conventions is uncertain as it is the Queen who can appoint or dismiss ministers at her own pleasure. On conclusion while the definition of conventions has been unclear, conventions have been able to function alongside statute law and legislation to provide a stable government, which demonstrates their consistency and flexibility. Moreover, as there is an obligation to be bound by them there is evidence to suggest their existence, which as illustrated has affected judicial reasoning, by enacting law as well as providing written rules. However, a convention which was applied many years ago may not be applicable today and the idea of unwritten rules would provide instability in the one body that people depend on. Moreover the idea of democracy is one where the public have a say in deciding who goes into government but also how they should be governed. Therefore a convention that is unable to evolve would not provide a clear understanding as to the government intentions. While it may be beneficial to have conventions codified to provide clarity and consistency, it would need to be clear which conventions should be written as to avoid conflict with statutory and common-law rules. However, despite the many criticisms of the use of conventions in the UK Constitution a constitution without conventions would ultimately fail as they are sufficiently flexible rather than laws which are difficult to alter. Therefore, it would be important to codify a convention which has been readily in use, rather than codifying them all into one single document.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Homeless Children Essay -- Child Homelessness, 2014

Introduction In the United States, 1.5 million children are homeless. 1.5 million children are without adequate shelter, nourishment, healthcare, or education. When a child is homeless, it is not just a house that they are without. They are more likely than other children to experience hunger, constant illness, mental disorders, and developmental delays.1 Being homeless negatively affects a child’s overall welfare and ability to thrive within their community throughout their childhood and into their adulthood. It impedes their ability to live a healthy life and gain an adequate education, as children who are homeless face far more obstacles, such as increased health risks and lack of educational opportunities, than children who aren’t homeless. They are less likely to be able to contribute to society, as less than a quarter of homeless children graduate or receive well-paying jobs, making them trapped in a life of poverty. Child homelessness is the perfect portrait of poverty. Chil dren are deprived of their basic needs – shelter, food, safety, and other resources – which are required for any individual to rise out a lifetime of poverty. In the United States, it is every individual’s human right to have their basic needs fulfilled; the government and the U.S. community need to ensure that those rights are being applied to all people in order to create a more flourishing and prosperous society. In an effort to solve the problem of child homelessness, the U.S. government has implemented legislature to provide funding and support for services to the homeless, including provisions under the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001. However, it is not enough. To help homeless children overcome the obstacles of homelessness, such as poor healthcare and education, and put an end to child homelessness the United States government must actively ensure that the problem of child homelessness is being answered. By implementing and following through with the provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which increase the services and funding as included in the McKinney-Vento Act, the U.S. will be making greater strides towards ending homelessness all together. The legislature must also pass the HEARTH Act of 2009 as the reauthorization of the amendment of the McKinney-Vento Act and consider the Homeless Children and Youth Act of 2009 and other legislation... ...ition for the Homeless. June 2008. 5 Apr. 2009 . "Education Pays..." Bureau of Labor Statistics. 6 Mar. 2009. United States Department of Labor. 29 Apr. 2009 . Hart-Shegos, Ellen. Homelessness and its Effect on Children. Ed. Anne Ray. Dec. 1999. Family Housing Fund. 5 Apr. 2009 . p. 4. Homeless Youth. June 2008. National Coalition for the Homeless. 29 Apr. 2009.   . McKinney-Vento Act. National Coalition for the Homeless. June 2008. 6 Apr. 2009.   . McKinney-Vento Reauthorization. Apr. 2009. National Alliance to End  Homelessness. 29 Apr. 2009>. "Summary of the HEARTH Act, as Passed." Homeless Assistance Reauthorization: National Policy Update September 2008. 21 Oct. 2008. National Alliance to  End Homelessness. 23 Feb. 2009 . Path: PDF File. Homeless Children Essay -- Child Homelessness, 2014 Introduction In the United States, 1.5 million children are homeless. 1.5 million children are without adequate shelter, nourishment, healthcare, or education. When a child is homeless, it is not just a house that they are without. They are more likely than other children to experience hunger, constant illness, mental disorders, and developmental delays.1 Being homeless negatively affects a child’s overall welfare and ability to thrive within their community throughout their childhood and into their adulthood. It impedes their ability to live a healthy life and gain an adequate education, as children who are homeless face far more obstacles, such as increased health risks and lack of educational opportunities, than children who aren’t homeless. They are less likely to be able to contribute to society, as less than a quarter of homeless children graduate or receive well-paying jobs, making them trapped in a life of poverty. Child homelessness is the perfect portrait of poverty. Chil dren are deprived of their basic needs – shelter, food, safety, and other resources – which are required for any individual to rise out a lifetime of poverty. In the United States, it is every individual’s human right to have their basic needs fulfilled; the government and the U.S. community need to ensure that those rights are being applied to all people in order to create a more flourishing and prosperous society. In an effort to solve the problem of child homelessness, the U.S. government has implemented legislature to provide funding and support for services to the homeless, including provisions under the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001. However, it is not enough. To help homeless children overcome the obstacles of homelessness, such as poor healthcare and education, and put an end to child homelessness the United States government must actively ensure that the problem of child homelessness is being answered. By implementing and following through with the provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which increase the services and funding as included in the McKinney-Vento Act, the U.S. will be making greater strides towards ending homelessness all together. The legislature must also pass the HEARTH Act of 2009 as the reauthorization of the amendment of the McKinney-Vento Act and consider the Homeless Children and Youth Act of 2009 and other legislation... ...ition for the Homeless. June 2008. 5 Apr. 2009 . "Education Pays..." Bureau of Labor Statistics. 6 Mar. 2009. United States Department of Labor. 29 Apr. 2009 . Hart-Shegos, Ellen. Homelessness and its Effect on Children. Ed. Anne Ray. Dec. 1999. Family Housing Fund. 5 Apr. 2009 . p. 4. Homeless Youth. June 2008. National Coalition for the Homeless. 29 Apr. 2009.   . McKinney-Vento Act. National Coalition for the Homeless. June 2008. 6 Apr. 2009.   . McKinney-Vento Reauthorization. Apr. 2009. National Alliance to End  Homelessness. 29 Apr. 2009>. "Summary of the HEARTH Act, as Passed." Homeless Assistance Reauthorization: National Policy Update September 2008. 21 Oct. 2008. National Alliance to  End Homelessness. 23 Feb. 2009 . Path: PDF File.

Monday, November 11, 2019

College Admission Essay: Dance Essay

As I walked through the doors, entering the studio, I set my bag down and took a deep breath that created a moment of relief and peace. As I took my first step onto the dance floor, I knew at that moment my life was going to change and I could just feel the passion that was soon to come. Growing up I had been categorized as the quiet and shy type, afraid to try new things and that first dance class showed how truly insecure I was. After taking a month of classes I began watching videos of dancers and it left me in complete awh. I watched the ballerinas, so graceful but strong, the jazz dancers, sassy and fierce, and the lyrical dancers, full of emotion and laid back. There was something I realized while watching all the different dancers and what they all had in common and that was confidence. No matter the style each dancer was full of confidence and having the intention of not a care of what the audience thought, they danced for them. It was that moment that I knew what I needed to do not to just be a better dancer, but a better person as a whole. Each year I danced I grew more And more as a person, gaining more confidence. But during those six years I found many struggles that helped me shape who I am today. I went through always being placed in the back, never getting the lead role, and worst of all favoritism. When I look back on how much I’ve changed as a person, it’s astonishing. I’ve grown into this person who is hardworking, passionate, and outgoing but, most of all I found the confidence I myself I had been seeking all these years. To think if I had never stepped foot in that dance studio who knows of the person I would have became, probably still that shy innocent girl. Without dance I would not have became the person I am and love being.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Biography of Joseph Conrad, Author of Heart of Darkness

Biography of Joseph Conrad, Author of Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad (born Jà ³zef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski; December 3, 1857 - August 3, 1924) was one of the greatest English-language novelists of all time, despite the fact he was born in the Russian Empire to a Polish-speaking family. After a long career in the merchant marine, he eventually settled in England and became one of the most prominent novelists of the early 20th century, writing classics such as Heart of Darkness (1899), Lord Jim (1900), and Nostromo (1904). Fast Facts: Joseph Conrad Full Name: Jà ³zef Teodor Konrad KorzeniowskiOccupation: WriterBorn: December 3, 1857, in Berdychiv, Russian EmpireDied: August 3, 1924, in Bishopsbourne, Kent, EnglandParents: Apollo NalÄ™cz Korzeniowski and Ewa BobrowskaSpouse: Jessie GeorgeChildren: Borys and JohnSelected Works: Heart of Darkness (1899), Lord Jim (1900), Nostromo (1904)Notable Quote: The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness. Early Life Joseph Conrads family was of Polish descent and lived in Berdychiv, a city now part of Ukraine and then part of the Russian empire. It is located in a region that the Polish sometimes refer to as the Stolen Lands, since it was taken from the Kingdom of Poland. Conrads father, Apollo Korzeniowski, a writer and political activist, took part in the Polish resistance to Russian rule. He was imprisoned in 1861 when the future author was a young child. The family endured exile to Vologda, three hundred miles north of Moscow, in 1862, and they were later moved to Chernihiv in northeast Ukraine. As a consequence of the familys struggles, Conrads mother, Ewa, died of tuberculosis in 1865. Apollo raised his son as a single father and introduced him to the works of French novelist Victor Hugo and the plays of William Shakespeare. They moved to the Austrian-held section of Poland in 1867 and enjoyed more freedom. Suffering from tuberculosis like his wife, Apollo died in 1869 leaving his son an orphan at age eleven. Conrad moved in with his maternal uncle. He was raised to pursue a career as a sailor. At age sixteen, fluent in French, he moved to Marseilles, France, to look for a career in the merchant marine. Merchant Marine Career Conrad sailed for four years on French ships before joining the British merchant marine. He served for fifteen more years under the British flag. He eventually rose to the rank of captain. The elevation to that rank came unexpectedly. He sailed on the ship Otago out of Bangkok, Thailand, and the captain died at sea. By the time the Otago arrived at its destination in Singapore, the entire crew except Conrad and the cook were suffering from fever. Photo circa 1960: A bust of Joseph Conrad as a figurehead on the prow of The Joseph Conrad, a training ship built in Copenhagen in 1882. Three Lions / Getty Images The characters in Joseph Conrads writing are mostly drawn from his experiences at sea. Three years of association with a Belgian trading company as captain of a ship on the Congo River led directly to the novella Heart of Darkness. Conrad completed his final long-distance voyage in 1893. One of the passengers on the ship Torrens was 25-year-old future novelist John Galsworthy. He became a good friend of Conrad shortly before the latter began his writing career. Success as a Novelist Joseph Conrad was 36 when he left the merchant marine in 1894. He was ready to seek a second career as a writer. He published his first novel Almayers Folly in 1895. Conrad was concerned that his English might not be strong enough for publication, but readers soon considered his approach to the language as a non-native writer an asset. Conrad set the first novel in Borneo, and his second, An Outcast of the Islands, takes place in and around the island of Makassar. The two books helped him develop a reputation as a teller of exotic tales. That depiction of his work frustrated Conrad, who looked to be taken seriously as a top writer of English literature. Handwritten and typed letter from Joseph Conrad to Ford Madox Ford. Culture Club / Getty Images During the next fifteen years, Conrad published what most consider the finest works of his career. His novella Heart of Darkness appeared in 1899. He followed it with the novel Lord Jim in 1900 and Nostromo in 1904. Literary Celebrity In 1913, Joseph Conrad experienced a commercial breakthrough with the publication of his novel Chance. Today it is not viewed as one of his best works, but it outsold all of his previous novels and left the author with financial security for the rest of his life. It was the first of his novels to focus on a woman as a central character. Conrads next novel, Victory, released in 1915, continued his commercial success. However, critics found the style melodramatic and expressed concern that the authors artistical skills were fading. Conrad celebrated his financial success by building the house he called Oswalds in Bishopsbourne, Canterbury, England. Personal Life Joseph Conrad suffered from a range of physical maladies, most of them due to exposure during his years in the merchant marine. He battled gout and recurrent attacks of malaria. He also struggled occasionally with depression. In 1896, while in the early years of his writing career, Conrad married Jessie George, an Englishwoman. She gave birth to two sons, Borys and John. Joseph Conrad and Family. Time Life Pictures / Getty Images Conrad counted many other prominent writers as friends. Among the closest were future Nobel laureate John Galsworthy, American Henry James, Rudyard Kipling, and collaborator on two novels, Ford Madox Ford. Later Years Joseph Conrad continued to write and publish novels through his final years. Many observers considered the five years after World War I ended in 1919 the most peaceful part of the authors life. Some of Conrads contemporaries pushed for recognition with a Nobel Prize for Literature, but it was not forthcoming. In April 1924, Joseph Conrad turned down the offer of a British knighthood due to his background in Polish nobility. He also turned down offers of honorary degrees from five prestigious universities. In August 1924, Conrad died at his home of an apparent heart attack. He is buried with his wife, Jessie, in Canterbury, England. Legacy Shortly after Joseph Conrads death, many critics focused on his ability to create stories that illuminated exotic locales and to humanize sordid events. Later analysis has focused on deeper elements in his fiction. He often examines the corruption that lies just beneath the surface of otherwise admirable characters. Conrad focuses on fidelity as a crucial theme. It can save the soul and wreak terrible destruction when it is breached. Conrads powerful narrative style and the use of anti-heroes as main characters have influenced a wide range of great writers of the 20th century, from William Faulkner to George Orwell and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. He paved the way for the development of modernist fiction. Source Jasanoff, Maya. The Dawn Watch: Joseph Conrad in a Global World. Penguin Press, 2017.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The ultimate guide for matching your shirts and ties.

The ultimate guide for matching your shirts and ties. Thinking about spicing up your wardrobe from drab to fab? Maybe you should try switching up your shirts and ties. Replacing your shirts and ties with some fun colors and patterns might be just what you need to break you out of the boring office outfit. But before you go all pattern crazy here is what you need to know about mixing colors and patterns†¦and even patterns and patterns. With this simple guide, you will never have to second guess your outfit combinations.  Source [BeckettSimonon]

Monday, November 4, 2019

You are the general manager of a large construction project. The Essay

You are the general manager of a large construction project. The contract has both financial incentives for finishing on time or early as well as large penalties if the project is completed late - Essay Example In the project, critical path step B is an activity that is causing delays to the establishment of the solution to the problem. Consequently, the manager should make step B be of a higher precedence than step C and D. Activity C and D do not constitute the activities in the critical path. For this reason, interruptions and delays of tasks C and D will not affect the total time span of the project. All the activities in the critical path need to be given a higher priority than all the other tasks that do not fall under the critical path (Hansen, 2008). A delay, in activities in the critical path, would result to delays in the whole project (Hansen, 2008). In this regard, I would address the matter in step B since it is one of the activities that fall in the critical path. Delays in this activity would result to a delay in the whole project. In prioritizing repairs, in the other two steps, I would identify the activity that would pose a danger to the completion of the project and prioritize them. I would solve the matters in the steps according to their

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Historical Figures and their impact on American History Essay - 1

Historical Figures and their impact on American History - Essay Example The biggest moment in Jackson’s military career was his defeat of British forces at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815, which helped restore the nation’s pride. Even though this was the last engagement with the British in the military, he was also involved with many military engagements with Indian tribes that were in the region. After the fall of the British, he began to step in and participate in the arena of politics. He first ran as the presidential candidate in 1824 against John Quincy Adams; he lost. He had won most of the popular vote, but did not receive the electoral majority. He ran again in 1829 and finally won the election. The biggest thing in his favor was he was considered to be â€Å"a friend to the common man† having been the only one of the first elected presidents to not come from aristocracy. His biggest and longest contribution to the economic system of America was the abolishment and reformation of the bank of the United States. He felt that the economic systems of America had to be concentrated and that the economic policies swayed too much power over Congress. He was also known for the Indian Removal Act in 1830. It allowed the federal government to negotiate for land outside the US territory and eventually forced the Indians further west. Although Jackson was able to create a better society for those of the lower classes, he made many enemies which is what eventually lead to his assassination attempt in 1835. Jackson died on June 8, 1845 in Nashville, Tennessee. Even though he died, his strong will was considered by many to be the start of what would become Manifest Destiny in American exploration west (â€Å"Andrew Jackson Biography†). Although not one of the more popular ideas which arose from his presidency... After the fall of the British, he began to step in and participate in the arena of politics. He first ran as the presidential candidate in 1824 against John Quincy Adams; he lost. He had won most of the popular vote but did not receive the electoral majority. He ran again in 1829 and finally won the election. The biggest thing in his favor was he was considered to be â€Å"a friend to the common man† has been the only one of the first elected presidents to not come from the aristocracy. His biggest and longest contribution to the economic system of America was the abolishment and reformation of the bank of the United States. He felt that the economic systems of America had to be concentrated and that the economic policies swayed too much power over Congress. He was also known for the Indian Removal Act in 1830. It allowed the federal government to negotiate for land outside the US territory and eventually forced the Indians further west. Although Jackson was able to create a b etter society for those of the lower classes, he made many enemies which are what eventually lead to his assassination attempt in 1835. Jackson died on June 8, 1845, in Nashville, Tennessee. Even though he died, his strong will was considered by many to be the start of what would become Manifest Destiny in American exploration west. Although not one of the more popular ideas which arose from his presidency was the concept of the spoils system. The spoils system was a way of rewarding those who were loyal to the political party which wins the election.